Carlton Nettleton to Draw Full House at Las Vegas Scrum Gathering
San Diego, CA February 14, 2013 – great news to share for everyone who wants to improve their communication skills through drawing! Carlton Nettleton, President of Look Forward Consulting and Certified Scrum Trainer, will present his popular session, Removing Impediments with Drawings, at the 2013 Scrum Gathering in Las Vegas. Based on the concepts from Dan Roam’s popular book, Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems & Selling Ideas with Pictures, Carlton will share with conference delegates how simple drawings can be used to illuminate and remove organizational impediments to Scrum.
“I really love giving this session since it is so much fun and anyone – and I mean anyone – can draw the types of pictures we are talking about in this session. If you can draw a circle, a square, a triangle, a stick figure and a (mostly) straight line, you can rock this session! In my experience as a consultant and trainer, the people who are most successful are the ones who possess the ability to explain themselves, and their ideas, at a whiteboard. As the old cliche goes ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’. ”
This highly interactive and engaging session is making it’s next stop in Las Vegas on May 6th at 11:30 AM. In addition, two randomly selected participants will leave with a copy of Dan’s book, Back of the Napkin, as a thank you for spending time at the session and further their practice. Based on previous experience of producing this session in three continents – at the 2010 Scrum Gathering in Amsterdam, 2011 Agile Conference in Salt Lake City and Agile Auckland in 2011 – we recommend you come early to get a seat.