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Best Links of the Week – Mar 13th 2010
Sorry for the long delay – I’ve been swamped. Now back to the great links.
- Large-Scale Agile – Jim Shore talks about the seven factors to consider when trying to make Agile large.
- What is the One Thing You Can Do to be More Agile? – various vendors at the Agile 2009 conference provide their answer to this question during this five-minute video.
- Intro to Scrum Video – Bob Hartman and Arif Gangji provide an eight-minute video overview of Scrum.
- In Praise of Middle Management – this article explains how leadership from middle managers is essential for driving change brought on by Scrum.
- The Role of Test Manager in an Agile Organization – Johanna Rothman talks about how Agile transforms the role of Test Manager from one that schedules resources to that of coaching, removing obstacles and building organizational capacity.
- 78 Things I have Learned in 6 Years of Agile Coaching – Jean Tabaka shares her accumulated wisdom about Agile and change.
- Top 10 Questions When Using Agile for Hardware Projects – In this interview, Larry Maccherone discusses how Agile is applied on software-hardware projects.
- You’re Just Going to Fail, So Don’t Bother – Scott Downey, Scrum Coach at myspace, discusses why Scrum is so difficult for many organizations and identifies the six hard truths you eventually confront when using Scrum.
- Agile Roots – A Personal History – Jim Highsmith, a signatory of the Agile Manifesto, discusses the origins of the Agile movement.
- The Wrong Lessons from Toyota’s Recalls – and the Truth – Jeffery Liker gives his take on the Toyota recalls and what they say about Toyota’s highly touted manufacturing process.