Microphone on the abstract blurred photo of seminar room background

Microphone on the abstract blurred photo of seminar room background

Speaking at Orlando Scrum Gathering – Mar 9th 2010

febrero 23, 20101 min

Finally had a few moments to write about my upcoming speaking engagement at the Orlando Scrum Gathering from March 8th to March 10th.  I am VERY excited about the chance to speak at a Scrum conference and I was lucky enough to be selected to provide two presentations in Orlando.

  1. Prioritization with Pugh – this workshop is designed to provide Product Owners a new tool to help evaluate conflicting priorities and focus the discussion on factors that matter to the business by using a Pugh matrix.  Pugh matrices come from the Lean world and are an excellent collaboration tool to resolve conflicts from conflicting stakeholders.
  2. Insights Into Scrum Illuminated by Lean – this Pecha Kucha will focus on how we can learn more about the essential elements of Scrum by looking at the Lean principles embedded natively in Scrum.