Best Links of the Week – Jan 19 2010

enero 19, 20101 min

Continuing with links to the best of the blogs since last week.

  1. Three things I wish I knew before jumping – PMP and Certified ScrumMaster, Pat Guariglia, shares some lessons learned after his first Scrum pilot project in 2007.
  2. Mike Cottmeyer on the Agile PMP – InfoQ has a 78-minute video from Mike Cottmeyer’s Agile 2009 talk on how Agile’s approach to managing cost and time reduces project risk rather than the traditional approach of managing scope.
  3. Determining how Agile you are comparatively – discussion on the Comparative Agility assessment for teams looking to understand how Agile they are doing in seven areas: teamwork, requirements, planning, technical practices, quality, culture and knowledge creation.
  4. Demystifying the Product Owner role – Roman Pichler provides some truth about the Product Owner role and clears away some myths.
  5. Self-discipline & self-organization – Cutter Consortium Fellow, Jim Highsmith, emphasizes the need for discipline and excellence on Agile teams.
  6. Eight reasons why the estimates are low – some common reasons why software estimates are often too small.
  7. How pair programming really works – the IEEE publishes an article sharing four mechanisms that can improve pair programming.